Dulwich Bakery Business Growth

Strategic positioning in the baked foods area through acquisition, merger or sale, without a predetermined time frame. Project size flexible, depending on structure, circa $2.0m.

Investment opportunity

Vertical or horizontal expansion, into sales and distribution channels beyond existing retail stores. Project size flexible, depending on structure, circa $2.0m.

Gallery images

Investor information


No documents provided.

Project status update


Project dependencies


Technology utilised

We have a 750sq meter manufacturing facility which is about 40% utilized. The business has in place the appropriate technology and plant for current growth needs. Ambient, chilled and frozen products can be facilitated.

Financial information

Investment sought: A$2M

Project highlights

  • Existing strong niche brand
  • Successful existing retail business
  • Pathway to product development and supply in target sales channels in progress

Key organisations

  • Dulwich Bakery

Project timelines

Expected start date

Expected end date

Funding round finish date


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