Creative Industries


Creative Industries

Multi-play in SA

South Australia - the perfect location to open your next studio.

South Australia is the national leader in game production investment and is committed to supporting the growth of the sector.

South Australia offers a competitive advantage for your next studio:

  • significant tax incentives
  • lowest cost of doing business in Australia
  • skilled talent pipeline
  • great Adelaide CBD studio sites
  • fun and affordable lifestyle.

South Australia - The screen innovation state
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South Australia - The home of game development
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Better for business

  • Adelaide is one of the most affordable capital cities in Australia

  • Zero payroll tax for wages under $1.5 million

  • Premium city office space

    58% cheaper than Sydney
    37% cheaper than Melbourne
    33% cheaper than Brisbane

South Australian talent and cost advantages 

Attractive incentives and rebates


Commonwealth Government Digital Tax Offset on qualifying games expenditure

A thriving ecosystem

International, independent and established mid-sized companies are flourishing in South Australia's creative industries sector:

South Australian talent at Gamescom

Vibrant indie game successes

On the global stage

Rising Sun Pictures, Kojo and Resin

World-leading artificial intelligence


Game development companies work amongst world-leading artificial intelligence (AI) from the Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML) as well as the number one research capability for augmented and virtual reality, the Australian Research Centre for Virtual and Interactive Environments (IVE). 

Location and talent

South Australia has the highest number of studios per capita than other Australian jurisdictions, attracting skilled gaming talent locally, national and internationally.

South Australia has proven experience in rapidly scaling-up skilled staffing.

South Australia has produced over 1,900 graduates in interactive software (VFX, AR/VR and Games) from tertiary and vocational education and training (VET), in the last three years.

South Australia has delegated authority to attract eligible skilled migrants through state-nominated visa programs and help drive industry capabilities further.

Business clusters

Our industry clusters provide strong intellectual and research foundations, providing opportunities to share talent, technology and infrastructure.
  • Adelaide Studios

    A creative hub for South Australian screen businesses and screen practitioners whose reputation for the creation of quality screen content across film, television and digital platforms continues to grow nationally and internationally.

  • Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML)

    The Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML) conducts globally competitive research and development in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, computer vision and deep learning.

  • Game Plus

    Game Plus is a collaborative workspace for game developers and related specialist technology start-ups. Established to support the needs of small independent studios, Game Plus is a workspace that has been custom built to enhance collaboration and innovation.

  • Lot Fourteen

    Lot Fourteen is a space that fosters collaboration and innovation across sectors and disciplines, including defence and space, artificial intelligence, digital health, machine learning and robotics, cyber security and creative industries.

Let's play!

 Claudia Watson

Claudia Watson

Business Development Manager - Creative Industries

Department of State Development


+61 424 134 909

*The South Australian Video Games Development Rebate (SA VGE Rebate) enables video games studios to claim 10% off expenditure on video game development work undertaken in South Australia, on eligible project expenditure of AUD$250,000 or more in South Australia. This is in addition to the Commonwealth Government’s 30% Digital Games Tax Offset, providing companies with a total rebate of 40% on PDV.