ACDC Metals Rare Earth Processing Plant Project

Monazite is a relatively common REE-rich mineral, already a significant contributor to global REE production. Monazite holds all 15 REEs, but is particularly enriched in neodymium and praseodymium, the critical metals for REE magnets. Monazite is often abundant alongside zircon, rutile and ilmenite in heavy mineral sand deposits. Where mineral sand monazite is recovered, this important REE source is currently shipped to China for cracking, so entering the Chinese value chain.

The opportunity for downstream value-add processing in Australia requires technology advancements to provide strong ESG credentials and meet customer expectations. ACDC Metals believe that by combining its innovative and efficient process technology with the monazite-rich heavy mineral sand deposits of the Murray Basin, a sustainable and long lived REE-industry can be developed. REE demand has increased significantly through the energy transition - demand is forecast to double by 2030 presenting a compelling opportunity for eastern Australian monazite when linked with low-impact processing.


As part of the Scoping study, ACDC Metals completed a localisation study that identified Whyalla, Port Augusta and Port Pirie as key locations to suit project requirements.

Investment opportunity

• J/V partners
• Offtake for mixed rare earth oxide

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Investor information

Financial information

Investment sought: Not applicable


Project status update

• Localisation study complete in Q4 2023, identifying permitting pathway for the project and ensuring supporting infrastructure available for the project.
• Scoping Study refresh completed Q2 2024.

Project dependencies

Next stage of development is pre-piloting testwork program and prefeasibility study.

Technology utilised

The caustic crack process has been developed from the existing Chinese batch process, to be a continuous process, that maximises heat recovery, energy efficiency and reagent use.

Project highlights

  • ACDC Metals Ltd (ASX:ADC) is developing technology and a supporting business model to enable construction of a rare earth processing plant (REPP) in south Australia.
  • The REPP will complete the “cracking” stage of the REE supply chain, where the mineral monazite is digested and a market-ready mixed REE concentrate is produced.
  • Cracking is the first step in value-add processing, and is essential if a downstream REE industry towards permanent magnet production is to be launched in Australia. The flowsheet supports strong ESG credentials, zero liquid discharge and energy and reagent efficiency.

Key organisations

  • ACDC Metals Ltd

Project timelines

Expected start date

Expected end date

Funding round finish date

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