Asparagopsis aquaculture to reduce emissions in livestock

Following research conducted by CSIRO in Australia, in conjunction with James Cook University, and Meat and Livestock Australia, SeaFeed R2G have established a land based aquaculture facility to produce the methane reducing stock feed additive, bromoform, that is contained in the sea weed Asparagopsis.

The site of 114 Hectares ( 281 acres) situated on the Spencer Gulf in South Australia has the climate to produce both naturally occurring local varieties of Asparagopsis ( Taxiforma and Amarta). Existing and significant earth works on site are already in place, ensuring application use is in place and ongoing for aquaculture.

Proposal is to develop carbon neutral, state of the art facility from production to distribution with a significant in-house laboratory for testing and analysis, seaweed nursery, growing areas, drying facility and packaging.

Investment opportunity

Equity finance
Debt finance
or J/V

Investor information


No documents provided.

Project status update

R&D ponds are in place, along with some equipment to establish the propergation, growing and harvesting methodolgies and processes.

Project dependencies

licences and permits are being processed

Technology utilised


Financial information

Investment sought: A$500K - A$2M

Project highlights

  • Global demand, scientifically proven (www.research.csiro)
  • Local Community and State Government support
  • Directors with experience in aquaculture, earthmoving, marketing, production systems, building, organic food production, financial management and taxation, exit strategy for Investor

Key organisations

  • SeaFeed R2G Pty Ltd
  • BPS Advisory

Project timelines

Expected start date
July 01, 2021

Expected end date

Funding round finish date
April 29, 2022


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