Andromeda Metals' Great White Kaolin Project - Hallyosite/Kaolin

The Great White mineralisation contains variable mixtures of kaolin and halloysite that appear amenable to selective mining to produce low, medium and high halloysite blends for the ceramic and petrochemical cracking markets, along with new nanotechnology applications in lithium battery technology and as a strengthening additive to concrete.
Mineral resource or reserve - Ore Reserve.
Current or planned level of processing - On site wet processing.
Off-take agreements in place - Letters of intent for approximately 1 million tonnes per annum of mixed grades, including a 5000 tonnes per annum binding agreement with a Japanese company for fully refined product.

Investment opportunity

Direct investment funding part of planned project A$28M CAPEX.
Note that CAPEX is based on our PFS; and will be changed subject to our DFS due out by the end of June 2021.

Gallery images

Investor information


Project status update

Project status: Definitive Feasibility Study stage.
Government Approval status: Mine approval in progress.
Scheduled start of operation of Mine: Early 2022.
Current Expected Mine life: 26 Years.

Project dependencies

Pending government approval for mining proposal.

Technology utilised

Conventional industrial minerals processing equipment only.

Financial information

Investment sought: A$5M - A$10M

Project highlights

  • World class resource of rare and valuable mineral.
  • Short timeframe to profit and low capex.
  • Huge potential for application to nanotechnology, carbon capture, hydrogen storage and water purification.

Key organisations

  • Andromeda Metals Ltd

Project timelines

Expected start date
January 01, 2022

Expected end date
May 31, 2049

Funding round finish date



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